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    FarragTech GmbH

    Dammstr. 61


    +43 5574 8380-0

    Due to a large number of requests for material handling and blending units with our dryers, FarragTech is proud to announce that we now have a quickly growing pallet of products in this segment.Currently our FIT Loader, a vacuum loading unit especially for larger ammounts of resin as well as our VacuJet, a venturi-loader which is available in several configurations for loading and unloading, are available for purchase. Both the VacuJet and the FITLoader are also being offered with a control box now! We are also working together with LIAD, a very well known name in the business for blending units, to offer our GraviFIT dosing unit to customers. In adition to this we are also offering central conveying stations via one of our business partners.

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